frequently asked questions

How often does Publisher1st pay its Publishers?

We pay 60 days afterwards of each closed month. The sole reason is that most of the global monetisation networks are taking the right to redeem revenues until 60 days.

What is the minimum payout?

Minimum payout amount is $100 ($500 for Wire Transfers).

What payment methods does Publisher1st support?

Publisher1st offers the following payment options: Paypal, Wire transfer, Webmoney, Paxum and ePayments.

Should I request my payment?

Payments are processed automatically. No need to make a request.

What is the wire fee?

Wire fee is $50. For EUR bank transfers fee is $0. Please note that incorrect Intermediary Bank info may cause extra charges. Please keep your wire trasfer info up to date.

How long should I wait for wire to arrive?

Usually, your bank will receive the funds within 3-4 business days. However, there are some factors that could result in a delay of wire transfer: national and local bank holidays, delays due to an intermediary bank or other local conditions. Some transfers sent to certain countries may be credited with delays up to 2 weeks. If wire transfer is taking too long we can provide you with swift and you can ask your bank for information about your transfer according to transaction number. In any way if your payment method is wire transfer you should be patient.

I want to get paid by wire transfer. What info should I provide to you?

"First of all, if you are an individual and you would like to get paid by wire transfer, you should provide us with your passport scan or any other document verifying your identity in English, otherwise our bank will not release your payment. You will also need to sign an Agreement that is also usually requested by our bank. If you represent a company, you should only sign an agreement.

Second, you will need to fill out the following info in your profile correctly:

Beneficiary (required)
Beneficiary address (required)
IBAN/Account Number (required)
SWIFT (required)
Bank name (required)
Bank address
Intermediary Bank (optional)
Intermediary Bank address (optional)"

What is IBAN?

IBAN stands for International Bank Account Number. You can contact your bank representative for more details.

Why my payment was rejected?

The most common problem of payment rejection is wrong payment details. You should check your payment info and always keep it correct. Plus, some payment systems like Webmoney and ePayments have some limiations, ex. amount limits. Please refer to your payment system support information about limitations.

I see a paid status next to my payment but I still have not received it. When should I expect it?

Usually there is a little time gap between deducting funds from your account balance and sending a payment. Sometimes it takes longer, especially, if your payment method is a Bank wire (wires usually take 3-4 business days). So if you see a paid status please be patient and wait till the pay date is over and in case you still miss payment in your payment system account please contact your Personal Account Manager.

How long should I wait until payday after I reach min payout?

According to our Terms and Conditions your payment will be processed automatically after 15 days during the payment period. For example if you reached $100 in 31th January pay period then you will be paid on 1st of April.

I cannot change my payment details. Why?

You cannot change your payment method and info 3 (three) days before and after payment date. This time is needed to load our e-wallets by wire transfer. This is why you might get a system notification: "Payment fields are locked during payment period".